A miscarriage in 2019 had ended up blocking both of Linda's fallopian tubes with scar tissue. She was given the usual options: either surgery or IVF. Linda decided to give Felopio a chance instead ...

Dear Linda, We are so humbled and grateful to have been able to help and be a part of your journey. Thank you. May God continue to bless you!

We thank Linda for sharing her results with us and always being supportive of other women who are going through these difficult times.

Pictures of some of the nightly chamomile tea flushes. There seems to be misconception out there that warm water can unblock the fallopian tubes which is very far from the truth. No, flushing with warm water will not unblock the tubes. It is the Felopio herbal mixture that unblocks the tubes. Flushing with the chamomile tea only helps to flush out the loose scar tissue particles.

Particles can be seen in the blue circle.

Tissue that came out during the procedure!

“I couldn't believe that am in a very normal and healthy condition to try for a baby. My husband too could not believe when the doctor said we are good to go to make a baby. We are very happy and very greatful to the Felopio Family, from the bottom of our hearts.”

Linda does a great job summing up the journey of a woman when she finds out she has blocked fallopian tubes. Sorry, blog is currently offline. You could read Linda's blog post here.

She also blogged during her pregnancy after using Felopio. Sorry, blog is currently offline. She shared her joy in this post. You may also find Linda sharing with other women in need on Facebook.

*More than 45 years of experience demonstrates the effectiveness of Felopio, yet each woman is different and the duration and outcome of the treatment may vary.

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