Felopio Success Story: Natural Pregnancy, Right tube unblocked

    The problems:
  • Both fallopian tubes blocked
  • Bilateral tubal blockage
  • Trying for 2 years

Moji from Canada 🇨🇦 started Felopio in December 2019 to unblock her fallopian tubes. She used the Convenience Kit - 40 for the first two months. She then followed up with one more month of the Original Kit in May 2020. Thank you for sharing your success with us!

She did an HSG in October 2020 that proved one tube was opened already but the other was still blocked. Pregnancy had not happened yet until January 2021 so we encouraged her to continue to try to unblock the other tube so that the chances of pregnancy increase.

Moji wrote to us in January 2021 a bit disappointed that pregnancy hadn't happened yet:

"I thought I would get back to you with my testimony. I completed the 2nd kit of felopio but didn't get to do my HSG until October because of the pandemic restrictions. My right tube is patent but my left tube is still blocked. We have been trying to conceive since then but no success yet. I really don't know what else to do, please put me in your prayers."

At that time we decided together that it will be best to try for unblocking the other tube as well with another two months of treatment and we all prayed to get the desired results. Little did she know that she was already pregnant!

Here is Moji's ultimate testimonial:

"Good day Michael,

I'm writing u with a testimony of my two month old baby girl.
Apparently I was pregnant already in January, I used the last felopio I purchased for few days and had lower abdominal discomfort so I stopped it.
I didn't see my period the following week, I also had lost of taste, I was scared I had covid-19. I saw my family physician who advised we did a covid and pregnancy test.

"Pregnancy test was positive in February."

Thank you Felopio for being part of my fertility journey to Motherhood.
God bless the entire team

I tell everyone my story, I have referred two of my friends to felopio."

Moji will use her remaining Felopio when she is ready to cleanse her womb.

Moji B.
Alberta, Canada - Posted on Dec 31, 2021

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